Special Initiatives
The goal of the Vincentian Charitable Foundation is to raise $85,000 for our Special Initiatives this year.

Special Initiatives
The Sister Eileen Fund
To honor the memory of Sister Eileen Chlebowski, a memorial fund has been established to provide resident amenities at Marian Manor. Sister Eileen held the position of Administrator of Marian Manor Nursing Facility in Greentree for nine years before becoming Director of Development for ten years, and served as a dedicated advocate to residents and their families.

Special Initiatives
Activities and Enrichment
Being socially active and engaged provides a variety of benefits to children and adults of all ages – from increased confidence, developing new skills, fostering a positive attitude, improving physical health, having higher levels of immune-system function, enjoying a more restful sleep, and expanding our circle of friends. Your gift to the Activities and Enrichment Fund – will provide greater fulfillment and enjoyment to the ministry of your choice.

Special Initiatives
Benevolent Care
Support of the Vincentian Benevolent Care Fund ensures that residents who outlive their financial resources, through no fault of their own, remain in our care.
With help from donors, 64% of Vincentian residents benefitted from our Benevolent Care Fund because their savings, insurance or Medicaid did not fully cover the expense of their care.
This commitment to our residents and their families is just one example of how the Catholic tradition of compassionate care has continued to serve people of all faiths since 1924.

Special Initiatives
Smart Technology
Vincentian Charitable Foundation helps to connect our residents to physicians, family members, and their favorite activities using technology. We fund digital devices that keep our residents safe, as well as those that monitor vital data.

Special Initiatives
Care for the Caregiver
2020 proved just how dedicated and essential the staff are at Vincentian de Marillac, Vincentian Home, Vincentian Marian Manor, and Vincentian Schenley Gardens. For that reason, the Foundation created the