Vincentian Child Development Center
Learning Under the Trees at VCDC
Equipment, curriculum, and materials for this program at Vincentian Child Development Center – totaling $100,000 – will enhance the scope of educational activities for toddlers and preschoolers by providing hands-on experiences, physical activity, social-emotional growth through peer interaction, and multifaceted approaches to cognitive development. The VCDC Outdoor Classroom Program will take place 20-30 hours each week – allowing age-appropriate lessons to occur throughout the day in the following areas: Earth Science, Physical Science, and the Art and Science of Music.
Vincentian de Marillac
Giving Vincentian De Marillac a Magnificent Makeover
From beautification to her greenspaces, a refreshed entryway, stunning new changes to resident rooms, a facelift for the activity room, and revitalized dining experiences – the changes being planned this year to Vincentian de Marillac are sure to turn a few heads and fill our residents’ hearts with joy. The fundraising goal for this $373,720 makeover is $50,000. Please join us!
Vincentian Home
Creating Extraordinary Experience for all Vincentian North Senior Communities
The Vincentian resident experience – a welcoming and stimulating environment that provides innovative care with an individualized approach for socialization, dining, life-long learning, and quality engagement – are at the heart of this year’s projects to Vincentian Home which also includes personal care and independent living. Transformations to indoor and outdoor gathering and activity spaces, private areas, and residents’ units will total $925,850. Help support the $120,000 fundraising goal for this effort.
Marian Manor
Reimagining Care for Vincentian Marian Manor
Adding perfection to the already exceptional work that occurs on our Greentree campus will be achieved as we embark on a major renovation at Vincentian Marian Manor this year. A new approach and total redesign to outdoor areas, entrances, residencies, activity areas, and community spaces will bring greater enjoyment, satisfaction, fulfillment, and pride to the lives of everyone – including the children in our childcare. Your gift to Vincentian Marian Manor can help the Foundation raise $375,000 toward this incredible $2,873,375 effort.
Vincentian Schenley Gardens
Transforming Lifestyles at Vincentian Schenley Gardens
The latest gem added to the Vincentian family, offers unlimited possibilities for Pittsburghers in the heart of a vibrant Oakland neighborhood. With stunning terraced views, this unique senior living community was acquired in 2019, recognizing that some dramatic changes would need to be completed. This year, an ambitious undertaking — $3,515,250 in building and renovations will provide residents with fresh, new areas and opportunities for visiting, gathering, dining, entertainment, recreation, and worship. Please help the Foundation reach its fundraising goal of $460,000.